Story of Hope

Jaqueling and Jefry's Story of Hope

"Now I feel better that I'm not living in [the landfill]. Thanks to the cooperative, I don't have to work out in the sun and breathe in the fumes. I'm now working in my house and I get to see my son...everything is good."

Jaqueling, 20, Nicaragua

Jaqueling is a 20 year old single mother living in Villa Guadalupe, Nicaragua. For 13 years, Jaqueling lived in La Chureca, the largest open-air landfill in Central America. She was part of a community of 250 families who made a living by collecting and selling recyclable materials from among the trash. In 2013, the Nicaraguan government closed the dump and relocated these families to a new housing project called Villa Guadalupe. 

In this week's Story of Hope video (above), Program Director Dana Hanley will introduce you to Jaqueling as she shares her story with you.