Lessons Through Art

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than explore the power they have to change it.”

Adi Dassler's wise words do a nice job of summarizing our objective as Program Directors for the Camp JAM program. With recent activities ranging from making tambourines to Valentine’s Day cards and a homemade erupting volcano, we strive to teach our students to embrace their creativity in a responsible and constructive fashion. By intertwining our activities with the themes of respect and optimism, we are making as strong an effort as we can to provide these children with a strong basis to evolve into their adolescent years.


Cultural barriers at times hinder our ability to keep the students focused or on task, but this hurdle by no means stops our pursuit of spreading love and happiness to this community. We firmly believe that by acting as strong role models - and as friends - for these kids, we will undoubtedly influence them for the better; and it all starts with an art class!
